AHAChem: Become an ambassador!

Hazardous chemicals harm human health and can negatively affect the resilience of ecosystems. Large quantities of toxic emissions come from private households: Everyday products like electrical appliances, cosmetics, cleaning products and textiles permanently emit substances such as alkylphenols or phthalates. Our project AHAChem Everyday Action Opportunities to Reduce Emissions and Reduce Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals aims to train ambassadors and in this way reduce hazardous substances in private households that ultimately end up in the environment.

In September 2022, the project was extended for another 24 months under the name AHAChem 2. During this time, we will of course continue by training more new ambassadors and further increasing the popularity of the project.


The training takes place online and aims to enable volunteers to advise households. To this end, we would like to multiply the successful concept of the „household check“ from our pioneer project NonHazCity nationwide. Households are educated about hazardous chemicals in their homes as well as more sustainable ways of acting and are accompanied during the changeover. The ambassadors learn practical chemical knowledge, communication strategies and the basics of self-organisation. The materials are to be made available to the public so that it is possible to learn and apply the knowledge even after the end of the project.


Project details

  • Project name: AHAChem
  • Subject areas: Chemicals management, Water management and marine protection
  • Funded by: Verbändeförderung des Umweltbundesamts und des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit
  • Duration: 09/2020 – 08/2022
  • Project website: www.giftfreie-stadt.de/kurzausbildung

Project employees

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